Wednesday, October 19, 2005


My name is Chris Griswold. I love comics. I've been reading a variety of them for the majority of my life: Archie, Harvey, Marvel and DC. Image and Valiant. Slave Labor, Fantagraphics, and Kitchen Sink.

In the meantime, I've worked at two comics stores - a tiny, defunct one named Comicbooks 101 in rural Oil City, PA, and the best, most indy- and creator-friendly megastore in New York City, Jim Hanley's Universe.

I met Lexi three years ago, and she, perhaps more than anyone I have shared comics with, has just devoured them. I started her out on some pretty new-reader friendly stuff: Kissers by James Kochalka and Clan Apis by Jay Hosler.

And then she found Justice League: Year One. And Mark Waid. And Black Canary. And she instantly fell head over heels for DC - its characters, its universe, its history - for the very same reasons I originally fell in love with Marvel comics.

This is "Reading Comics with Lexi and Chris," a blog we intend for both new and current comics readers to be able to enjoy.

What I would like to do with this space is share some non-intensive comics news, preview some promising comics, highlight awesome comics blogs, and maybe co-review some with Lexi.

I'll also chart my rise to fame as a popular comicbook writer.

Along the way, I'll probably try to make myself seem more important by name-dropping some of the great creators I got to meet momentarily at Jim Hanley's Universe.

And maybe you'll find some comics you like.